.DNR provides the exact same SSL certificates, issued to you directly from the vendors themselves, at a substantially reduced price!

A major cost for SSL certificate companies is the cost per acquisition to obtain customers.  In light of this, these companies provide aggressive reseller discounts for volume sales and we pass on these savings to you.  When you order from .DNR you get the exact same certificate, issued and validated by the SSL company of your choice.  The only difference is the amount you save!

Priced as low as $45 per year we offer the ability to lock in rates with multi-year certificates (up to 5 years).  When you purchase a multi-year certificate you don't just save money on the per year cost but you also save the time and expense of yearly certificate signing request generation and certificate installation.  If you have ever had a client frantically call saying their site is giving a security expired warning error in the browser you know the benefit of multi-year certificates.

SSL Update: Online ordering coming soon!

SSL Company Type Direct Price Our price Order
Enhanced Verification $995.00 $850.00
QuickSSL Premium $299.00 $95.00
Enhanced Verification $899.00 $699.00
SSL123 $145.00 $75.00
RapidSSL $79.00 $45.00

Prices are listed per year.  Multi-year certificates are available for purchase up to 5 years at one time.

Offered certificates are trusted by over 99% of browsers:

Browser acceptance is no longer a concern for picking a given certificate over another; however, a single rooted certificate still has an advantage for ease of deployment.  If you find a lower priced certificate offering check that they have their own root certificate. All certificates sold by .DNR are single root certificates so you can purchase with confidence.

Enhanced Validation Certificates (For US Companies only at this time):

Enhanced validation is a second visual tier over the lock in the address bar that regular certificates provide.  Enhanced validation certificates provide a green address bar and have verification procedures to certify the applying organization is who they say they are.

Internet Explorer Enhanced Validation Green address bar example:

FireFox Enhanced Validation Green address bar example:

Learn more about SSL certificates:

SSL Certificates secure communications between your website visitor web browsers and your web server.  SSL certificates are similar to domain names in that they must be renewed on a yearly basis and can be purchased for multiple years.  While a domain renewal is typically hassle free, an SSL certificate is a bit more work since you must generate at the server a certificate request and then provide this when creating your certificate.  Once the certificate authority authenticates your CSR and request, they will issue the certificate which must be installed on the server. For this reason, customers frequently secure multiple years of their SSL certificate at one time which saves having to generate a new CSR the next year and reinstall a new certificate.

While the certificate industry may appear to have many competing vendors, the majority are owned by a single company: Verisign.   We sell certificates from these vendors and pass on our bulk purchase savings to you.  You get the exact same certificate you would if you purchased directly but for a fraction of the cost.  In fact, you will be emailed with instructions to claim your certificate from the certificate vendor, not us.  It is not often you can obtain the exact same product for a substantially reduced price with no strings attached.  Furthermore, certificates are valid for the period of years purchased and do not auto renew.  There is no lock in so when your certificate expires you are free to renew with any vendor you wish but as detailed previously you will need to create a new CSR and install a new certificate at that time.

The truth of pricing and industry consolidation:

At .Domain Name Registration we have a policy of fair and honest pricing.  We do not try to acquire new customers through unsustainable pricing only to increase renewal pricing later on (aka bait and switch).  If you see a substantially cheaper price for domains or SSL certificates elsewhere, be wary about renewals, in particular automated renewals at a higher price the next year!  In years past large companies such as Yahoo! reduced their domain pricing to loss making levels to entice users to switch only to increase prices over 5 times on renewal.  Many customers did not have the opportunity to switch before their domain was automatically renewed at the higher price.  We have yet to increase our pricing in the 8+ years we have been in business and this results in fair pricing year over year for our customers.

Which product is best? 

It really depends on your needs.  Focus on the primary benefit which is securing communication between the web site and client (browser).  All certificates do this.  In the early days (5+ years ago) browser compatibility was a major issue but no longer is as very few people use very old browsers anymore.  The end result is a very easy choice: select the certificate that is the cheapest that still meets your needs.  The real value levels are as follows:

Basic certificate: lock shows in browser, secures connection

Site seal: lock in browser, secures connection, plus a site seal (image, sometimes dynamic, which customers can click though to confirm your site certificate matches the listed domain owner)

Enhanced Validation (EV): lock in browser, secures connection, site seal, green address bar (provides additional ease of mind to customers).  Only available to US companies.

We also offer the best pricing on wildcard certificates that operate on all subdomains (i.e. *.yourdomain.com) starting at $140 per year.  Please email info@dotdnr.com if you have any SSL specific inquiries.